
The Future Of App Building Will Be Prompt-Based

The Future Of App Building Will Be Prompt-Based

Why is this the future?

Most users require similar functionality to build apps. But users have different levels of technical knowledge and mental models. Traditionally, this has forced platform developers to cater to a broad user base by introducing complexity. As a result, simple actions now require multiple configurations: some are critical for a set of users, but unnecessary for others. AI can simplify this complexity and turn the infinite ways to express user needs turn into fewer possible states within the platform.

In simple terms, AI interprets user needs and translates them into platform features/configurations, and adapts to the user’s level of technical expertise, understanding, expectations. This is incredibly empowering!

At Dropbase, we're excited to be at the forefront of this progress towards the future. We've developed and launched Dropbase AI, a powerful and flexible prompt-based web app builder—the first of its kind. As app-building continue to evolve in this direction, we see tremendous potential for other developer platforms, low-code, and no-code builders.

We are proud to empower the next billion developers.

Let’s build the future together!

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